Thursday, May 14, 2009

self-conscious blogger.

So I have a blog now. I have to admit it's kinda awkward too.
I just sort of write whatever I'm thinking and you read it...but maybe that's not the weirdest part of this experience for me. The weirdest feeling is how insecure I feel about my blog name. "john said what", I couldn't think of anything. My mind froze. I was paralyzed by other awesome blog names like "imvegetarian", "bloggingforjesus", "muscleshirt" and "blogfurniture" (none of which I've gone too by the way, so I may not endorse whatever they say on their respective blogs!-though bloggingforjesus sounds promising...) 
There's just too much pressure. Too much competition to have the sweetest blog name around, and I crumbled. 
But I'll keep on typing, even with my blog name self-consciousness, maybe one day it will hit me...I'll have the perfect, hilarious, need to check out blog name.

thats all i have to say about that.

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