Friday, September 18, 2009

Side kick dogs who wear goggles > me.

Here this motorcycle riding man has a side kick dog, complete with goggles.

It was probably a few months ago now that Heather and I were cruising down the road and to our delight we spot this man...with his goggle wearing dog. (the dog is sitting right behind the guy..sorry, the cellphone camera is the best we had in a moment of laughing out loud and not slowing traffic to a complete halt)

It was at that moment that I knew goggle wearing dogs are the coolest ever. hands down.
I also was thinking that I wanted a goggle wearing dog too.

I'm pretty sure having a side kick dog would loosen up any tense situation you walk into. thereby diffusing any chance of violence. instead we would all just kind of be like, "man...our heads our not on straight right I was about to punch your cheek and this dog with goggles is staring at us...what a reality check!" and someone else would chime in, " yeah, lets think of names we would give our own goggle wearing dogs!" and then we would all laugh about silly names for goggle wearing dogs. except I already had one, named jim or amazing larry. i can't decide.

until that day friends, keep on the look out for goggle wearing side kick dogs saving the world.

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