Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm sorry, I use too many, comma's.

Listen, I apologize.

As the years have gone, by the way I write things has morphed into a weird style of mental conversation and proper punctuation. I'll be honest, I was never that successful in my punctuation lessons...I would just toss random apostrophes and comma's and periods in where I thought looked good or just started a fresh paragraph to steer clear of any complications. I could never conquer it. The way I have come to write nowadays, like, what I'm writing right now, is to me how it would sound if I were to actually verbally speak this blog to you. The comma to me is my personal dramatic pause. I will comfortably toss a comma where I think I would rest as if I were speaking it to achieve maximum effect for the listeners (in this case, you the reader). I apologize for that because half the time it's probably wrong and your punctuation and grammar radar is going off like crazy as you read my blogs...but I ask you to read with a new set of bloggin' glasses. Read with the perspective that I am a broken, c- english grammar student who is going to write this way regardless of what you think of his punctuation skills. Maybe one day I'll figure this whole comma deal out...but until then, I will metaphorically drop comma's like they're hot.

like, thats all.


  1. don't make me censor this blog. watch your mouth.

  2. John, don't worry, I write like I am actually saying what I type too.

    (expletive) grammar.
